
Who are we?

General presentation

The association, with its full name Conciliating Concrete Actions: Education, Prevention, Work, Equity, Health and Sport for Transgenders, was created on June 26, 2010 following the initiative of Giovanna Rincon and Chris Valle followed by Maire Dulong, Claudia Anjos, Cruz, Joana Machado, Alexia Rivillas, Jennifer Cruz and Gaby Corrales. The ACCEPTESS-T association was subsequently declared to the prefecture on 07/09/2010 (Publication in the official journal on 07/24/2010).

Our goals

Acceptess-T was born out of the desire to create a group of trans activities in Paris that would focus on defending the rights of transgender people most vulnerable to intersectionality.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

We set ourselves the goal of combating all forms of exclusion, discrimination of any kind (abuse, violence, mistreatment), linked to gender identity and expression, against transgender people and / or claiming to be such; to disseminate and discuss information having a direct, indirect, induced or unrelated relationship to questions related to transidentity, and to create a place of welcome, conviviality and services in order to constitute a cultural bridge that promotes recognition, the visibility and determination of transgender people in society and more broadly for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Our action therefore naturally extends to the prevention of STIs (HIV, Hepatitis), in particular through the animation of information workshops « peer to peer » independently or with the help of institutions or other associations. concerned. To do this, it is committed to attempting to facilitate access to the socio-health system for transgender people who may or may not be in prostitution, admitted or not; to promote their access to information, training, employment as well as public services and culture.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Finally, within ACCEPTESS-T, we have a great interest in the promotion of physical, sporting and cultural activities in order to maintain and improve the health and self-esteem of transgender people (with or without pathologies). progressive chronic); and this through the intermediary – in particular, but not exclusively, of the Paris TSG (sports group formed by members of ACCEPTESS-T), and of events organized throughout the year, in France as in the foreign.

Our actions

To meet these overall objectives, we are implementing various forms of concrete action which can be summarized as follows:

  • Welcoming and listening: our association welcomes, listens to, directs and supports people, whether transgender or cisgender (cisgender people are those who fully identify with their birth sex), men or women, migrants or not, to some sex workers (mostly trans women).
  • Information, prevention, screening: we carry out continuous information and awareness work on sexual health issues, and on global health issues: access to care, support, well-being, preventive behavior. We also provide daily distribution of condoms, gel and a wide range of prevention materials. One of our flagship actions is the promotion of diversified screening, especially for HIV and STIs, and through a monthly TRODs (Rapid Diagnostic Orientation Tests for HIV) service in our premises. In addition, we also regularly provide physical support for beneficiaries to the Free Information, Screening and Diagnosis Centers for HIV infections, viral hepatitis and STIs (CeGIDD), or to our authorized partners for realization of TRODs. Throughout the year, we provide numerous accompaniments with the primary objective of entering a care pathway, especially for people who have just discovered their HIV status. Finally, we are developing an approach based on self-support between transgender people on a daily basis, using in particular collective health promotion tools mediated by social networks (sites, blogs, twitter, Facebook) that we host on a daily basis.
  • Social support: the social worker of our association, assisted by other social workers (cultural and public health mediators, peer-to-peer volunteers) provides professional follow-up for the attention of our beneficiaries, in the realization of their personalized project. They also ensure maintenance in care, orientation towards the most suitable services for the opening of rights and continuous support in the definition of life projects (including in terms of professional development in the future. the case of alternatives to sex work).
  • Health: This axis is organized according to three priorities:

    • Adapted physical activity sessions twice a week.

    • Psychological support for trans women who are HIV positive or co-infected with other pathologies (STIs, HBV, HCV, tuberculosis, co-morbidities, etc.) who are in a situation of high emotional distress. Counseling related to the sexual health and emotional life of serodiscordant couples, including partners of transgender people, based on a patient awareness and therapeutic information approach.

    • Facilitation and strengthening of adherence and maintenance in the health care path of Transgender Women Living with HIV (FTVVIH), through global actions of mediation, help in the organization of medical agendas, physical support and interpreting.

  • Physical support and health mediation: we provide initial psychological and ethno-identity support, based on “peer-to-peer” knowledge of our audience (geographic origin, interpretation and translation, shared social backgrounds and gender identity), to transgender people wishing to be tested for HIV, STIs and hepatitis. Then, through physical support, mediation and interpretation, we encourage them to acquire fundamental rights without the fear of discrimination. This intervention allows us to watch out for errors in administrative procedures. Incidentally, we strive to prevent and raise awareness among the various players in the medico-social, hospital and public services field, to the realities and difficulties that disagree between social gender and identity documents of trans people, as well as their socio-demographic and behavioral specificities.
  • Sensitization of institutions to Transidentity and related issues: we are regularly called upon to intervene in social work schools and we also regularly welcome local students. We participate and organize many demonstrations in favor of the fight against HIV, in defense of the rights of transgender people and sex workers. In addition, we are continually invited to meetings with teams from hospitals and medico-social establishments (an agreement with the Bichat hospital was signed in 2013). Finally, we participate in various studies and research on transidentity.
  • Support for incarcerated transgender people: we intervene at the Fleury-Mérogis remand center once a week in order to maintain links with transgender people in prison, to provide them with psychological and identity support, in particular through regular exchanges of letters and telephone communications. We also help them create projects to prepare for their release, in collaboration with the SPIP service and social workers from the prison administration.
  • Promotion of adapted physical activity as a tool in the fight against discrimination: since the creation and filing of its statutes, Acceptess-T has decided to promote physical activity, by reaffirming its intercultural dimension. Above all, it is about fostering openness to others while improving and preserving the health of transgender people. The overall objective of this activity is to fight against all stereotypes, all forms of discrimination, such as sexism, racism and transphobia. This is how the PARIS TSG (Groupe Sportif Transgenre Parisien) was born in June 2014, which made it possible to promote the ambitious formation of a volleyball team (all levels), to include activities such as swimming in the duration, and to organize sporting events rich in emotions for several years.